February 1, 2016

What we do


We at “Team Building Update” love creating new team building tools. We have prepared a variety of activities & programs  that can easily be applied during your next team building events. Our customers are constantly looking for something new and interesting.

“Team Building Update” provides you with new & tested tools for high quality team building events. At first we are testing all these activities & programs in our team building company “B02” Ltd. Some new ideas don’t pass the real life tests and we never use them again. You get products that we’re 100% satisfied about. Every listed activity or program:

  • sells (we sold every product to five companies before listing on this page);
  • has profit margins above average;
  • has low initial investments (no expensive materials needed);
  • has simple staff training procedure (1-5hrs)
  • has a customer rating “Good” and above (based on our customers feedback after five events)